by Bill Tenny-Brittian | Oct 10, 2022 | Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
I was speaking with a pastor in Iowa the other day and shared that I’d just completed forty years in parish ministry. He offered some generous congratulatory sentiments and thanked me for my service. But then he paused and asked me a really great question: “What has...
by Ron Edmondson | Sep 29, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Coaching
How does a team become idle? Team idleness is a term I use to describe a team failing to move forward towards its desired goals and objectives. The term simply means things have stalled. Therefore, team idleness means for a span of time there is no – or very little –...
by Dave Workman | Aug 8, 2022 | Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
Were You Really Called To Be These 5 Things? Okay, I’ll admit this is very opinionated. But think about it: In so many ways, a pastor has to be a generalist. I think pastors have several big jobs. Equip the saints, pass on creedal basics, lead and...
by Brian Davis | Aug 5, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Church Revitalization
Note from CP editor: The following post was written by Brian Davis during the Covid lockdown period. I have been meeting pastors and church leaders over the past several months who are still not meeting face to face. As of this posting August 2022, I am in the...
by Ron Edmondson | Apr 18, 2022 | Church Health, Church Leadership, Communication / Preaching
Leader, do you realize what you communicate when you don’t communicate as a leader? I was talking once with a staff member of a large church. She consistently feared the stability of her job, because she never knew what her pastor was thinking. She was considering...