Church Growth 101

Church Growth 101

Hey there, church leaders! Let’s talk about church growth. Just for clarity: I believe in the Church and all expressions, be it house church, micro-church, community church, or mega-church. I think we all want the Kingdom of God to expand by doing our part in the...
Staying Mission-Focused

Staying Mission-Focused

We all know that in the hustle and bustle of church activities, it’s easy to get distracted. But let’s have a heart-to-heart about something vital: staying mission-focused. It’s what keeps our churches vibrant, our communities transformed, and our faith journeys...
Fortune Cookies and Prayer

Fortune Cookies and Prayer

This past weekend while speaking in a church, I relayed a creative outreach story that I’ve probably told several dozen times in churches all over the world as an example of thinking creatively about outreaches. And the best part about it?—it wasn’t my idea.  ...