Where Are All the Leaders?

Where Are All the Leaders?

In a recent email blast to subscribers (www.elementalgroup.org), I asked for a response to a simple question: As a pastor or leader of an organization, what is the most challenging issue you’re currently dealing with? I suggested some of the typical pain points and...
Whatever Happened to Excellence

Whatever Happened to Excellence

My brother was in the Marines … a loooong time ago. I was in the Air Force … a looooooonger time ago. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Good enough for government work.” I imagine I heard that now and again during my tour in Europe, but I know good and well my brother...
Living at Your Soul Speed

Living at Your Soul Speed

A snail and a slug scoot down the sidewalk one morning on their way to work as usual. They converged faster than either one of them anticipated and boom, they crashed into one another. The police showed up and asked the snail what happened. All he could say was,...