Planting a Life-Giving Church

by | Nov 20, 2024 | Church Leadership, Church Planting | 4 comments

The journey of planting a life-giving church begins with understanding God’s unique calling for your ministry. Having walked alongside hundreds of church planters, I’ve discovered that success isn’t measured by attendance numbers or building size, but by faithfulness to the vision God has placed in your heart. The principles I’m about to share aren’t just theory – they’re battle-tested insights that have emerged from both triumphs and failures in the field.


Vision and DNA


Here’s the thing: God didn’t call you to be Church Plant #4,387. He called YOU – with your specific gifts, your unique perspective, and yes, even your weird quirks – to reach people that nobody else can reach.

Don’t rush this part, fam. Get alone with God. Fast. Pray. Write it down. Then, throw it away and pray some more. Your vision isn’t just some cool graphics or a catchy tagline – it’s the very DNA of your church. And trust me on this one: borrowing another church’s vision is like wearing someone else’s underwear. Just don’t.


Build Your Dream Team


Let’s get real – your launch team will make or break your church plant. Period. You need people who aren’t just excited about the vision but are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and Netflix binges to make it happen.

Remember: Not everyone who wants to be on your team should be on your team. Choose wisely.


Focus Like a Laser Beam


If you try to do everything, you’ll accomplish nothing. Church planting requires laser-focused intentionality. When you’re clear on your “why,” you’ll have the strength to push through those “what was I thinking?” moments (and trust me, they’re coming).


Schedule or Get Scheduled


Can we have a real talk about burnout? It’s not a badge of honor – it’s a warning sign. Your calendar will fill up by default or by design. Choose design.

Pro tip: Block out date nights with your spouse and family time FIRST. Not kidding. Do it now. I’ll wait.


Strategy Matters (A Lot)


Look, I love faith as much as the next pastor, but Jesus never said, “Blessed are the disorganized.” You need a game plan. Get a coach. Read everything you can. Learn from others’ mistakes.

And please, for the love of all things holy, don’t try to figure out your budget, marketing, and outreach strategy the week before launch. Been there, regretted that.


God’s Got This (And You)


Here’s the bottom line: If God called you to plant a church, He’s already equipped you for the journey. You might not feel ready (spoiler alert: you never will), but God doesn’t call the qualified – He qualifies the called.

Ready to dive deeper? Our team at has resources, coaching, and a community of planters who’ve got your back. Let’s do this thing!

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