Planning for Long-Term Impact

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Church Growth, Church Health | 7 comments

It’s important to remind ourselves that church planting is a marathon, not a sprint. You’re not just throwing a few folding chairs in a gym and hoping people show up. You’re building something that will impact lives for decades to come. That’s why, friends, planning for long-term impact is crucial. Don’t get me wrong, the early days are a beautiful hustle. But without a vision beyond the initial launch, your church plant could fizzle out faster than a free coffee pot at a conference.

Here’s the deal: sustainability and impact go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. A church that burns bright for a year but can’t keep the lights on in year five isn’t making a lasting difference. So, how do we plant churches that thrive for generations?

Growing Your Dream Team: You Can’t Do It Alone


First things first: Leadership Development is Key. You, the church planter, are the engine right now. But what happens when you need a tune-up? Identify leaders within your congregation. Invest in them. Equip them. Let them lead Bible studies, organize outreach events, and even preach occasionally. This isn’t about building your own little kingdom; it’s about building a team that can carry the torch long after you’re (gasp!) ready for a vacation.

Building a Church The Community Will Love


Second, listen to your community. Don’t just drop a pre-packaged church model into a new neighborhood and pray for the best. What are the needs of the people around you? Are they young families struggling with technology addiction? Are they single adults yearning for authentic connection? Tailor your ministries, your outreach, your very heartbeat, to address those needs. A church that’s relevant is a church that’s sustainable.

Cultivating Disciples: Making a Lasting Impact


Finally, prioritize discipleship. Church isn’t just about Sunday services and coffee hour. It’s about creating a community where people are transformed into Christ-like leaders. Invest in programs that foster spiritual growth, small groups for accountability, and opportunities for people to use their gifts to serve. When you build disciples, you build a church that multiplies its impact.

Planting a church isn’t about building your own personal brand. It’s a team effort. Invest in your people, watch them grow, and together, you’ll build something incredible—something that will impact lives for years to come. So, are you ready to make a difference? Grab your tools, find your team, and get planting!

Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen

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