Pastor’s Playbook – How to Be a Shepherd in Today’s World

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Church Health, Church Leadership | 8 comments

Picture this: a shepherd hanging out with their sheep, making sure they’re safe, and heading in the right direction. As a pastor, this is what you do! It’s all about looking out for the people God has entrusted to your care, making sure they’re spiritually fed and on the right path. For those who might be new to the pastor’s life, let me tell you, it’s not just about preaching well, being charismatic, or even scholarly; it’s about doing life with your church family.


Making It Happen in Today’s Busy World


The Power of Small Groups:


Think of these as mini-support squads. They’re perfect for giving everyone one-on-one time and ensuring no one feels like just another face in the crowd. This is where life transformation can happen!


Share the Load:


You can’t do it all; if you try, you’ll wind up burnt out. Get a dream team of leaders to help you out. It’s all about teamwork. View this as another form of discipleship.


Counseling Access:


Life’s tough! Having access to some solid counseling can be a game-changer for your church members going through rough and stressful times. If you are not equipped for counseling, consider taking some courses from Light University or sending some dependable people to become life coaches.


Something for Everyone:


Make sure there’s something at church for all stages of life, from children to mature adults. It’s about making everyone feel loved, valued and included.


Your Health Matters Too:


You can’t pour from an empty cup. You need to stay on top of your physical, emotional, and spiritual game. Regular exercise, quiet time with God, and keeping your relationships tight are key. We know all too well that when we get busy, we have a tendency to neglect our self-care. This year, let’s make this a priority. A healthy pastor leads to a healthy church.


Wrapping It Up


Leading with a shepherd’s heart means you’re all in – loving, guiding, and doing life with your church. It’s a big deal, but remember, you’re not flying solo. Keep it real, keep going… God is with you, and He is for you!


Read more blog post by Jeff Hoglen, D.Min.

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