Pastoral Succession: Don’t Panic, Here’s Your Friendly Guide!

by | Sep 25, 2024 | Church Health, Church Leadership | 3 comments

Hey there, church family! So, your longtime pastor is thinking about retirement, huh? Maybe you’re feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and I’ve seen churches navigate this transition like pros. Others… well, let’s just say they hit a few bumps along the way. But don’t worry! I’m here to share some down-to-earth wisdom to help you sail through this change with flying colors.


1. Start Early (Like, Yesterday Early)


Remember when you procrastinated on that big school project and ended up pulling an all-nighter? Yeah, let’s not do that with pastoral succession. Ideally, you want to start planning 3-5 years before the big day. This gives you time to:

  • Train up potential successors (no pressure, right?)
  • Gradually hand over the reins
  • Let everyone get used to the idea (change is hard, folks!)


2. Grow Your Own Leaders


Think of your church as a garden. You want to nurture those seedling leaders! Here’s how:

  • Keep an eye out for folks with that leadership spark
  • Offer them chances to grow (maybe let them lead that new small group?)
  • Gradually increase their responsibilities (but don’t scare them off!)


3. Assemble Your A-Team


Remember the Avengers? Time to assemble your own superhero team to oversee this transition. Look for:

  • A mix of perspectives (young, old, and in-between)
  • Board members, staff, and those super-involved congregants
  • People who can work well with your current pastor (no drama, please!)


4. Map Out Your Game Plan


Even if you’re not a “planner” type, trust me on this one. You need a roadmap:

  • Sketch out a timeline (it doesn’t have to be perfect)
  • Figure out who’s doing what (and when)
  • Decide how you’ll keep everyone in the loop (because rumors are so not helpful)


5. What Does Your Church Really Need?


Time for some soul-searching. What does your church community truly need in its next leader? Consider:

  • Chatting with folks after service (or over coffee)
  • Looking at who’s in your church now, and who might be there in 10 years
  • Reflecting on your church’s big dreams for the future


6. Homegrown or New Blood?


Ah, the age-old question: promote from within or bring in someone new? It’s like choosing between your favorite comfy sweater and that exciting new outfit. Think about:

  • How open your church is to change
  • Whether you’ve got some “rising stars: in your midst (not just those with talent but also with the required character)
  • If a fresh perspective might be just what you need


7. Bring Everyone Along for the Ride


This isn’t a solo journey, folks. It’s a family road trip:

  • Keep everyone updated (maybe not every single detail, but the big stuff)
  • Host some Q&A sessions (yes, even with the tough questions)
  • Ask for prayer support (because let’s face it, we need all the help we can get)


8. Pass the Baton (Without Dropping It)


Imagine if your outgoing pastor left without sharing any of their wisdom. Yikes! Make sure to:

  • Write down those unspoken rules and traditions
  • Introduce the newbie to all the key players
  • Share the stories that make your church, well, your church


9. Embrace the New (While Honoring the Old)


Change is coming, and that’s okay! But it doesn’t mean forgetting where you came from:

  • Talk openly about what might be different (and why it might be good)
  • Take it slow with the big changes
  • Find ways to honor your history while embracing the future


10. Support Your New Pastor (They’re Human Too!)


Remember how nervous you were on your first day at a new job? Your new pastor feels that too:

  • Check in regularly (but don’t smother them)
  • Consider getting them a mentor (someone who’s been there, done that)
  • Gradually hand over the full responsibilities (Rome wasn’t built in a day!)


There you have it, friends! Pastoral succession doesn’t have to be scary. With a little planning, a lot of prayer, and a good dose of patience, your church can come out of this transition stronger than ever. Remember, we’re all in this together. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen

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