Any church planter / pastor who hopes to connect with the community is in need of becoming a great communicator as soon as possible if not sooner! When I first began launching, quite a few plants ago, I didn’t understand this simple truth. Regardless of where you are at in your skill level, there is good news. The good news – we can do better now!
The best stats indicate that somewhere between 65 – 85% of U.S. churches have either leveled off or are (even more likely) are in decline numerically. Why so? That’s a huge discussion. Someday let’s go away to Gilligan’s Island and talk for a few weeks to focus on this vital topic.
For today, suffice it to tackle the top of the list.
No matter how you see yourself, what you’ve been told (cursed or blessed), it is up to you to consistently offer up a killer message consistently… and to do what it takes to get to that point very soon to stop the people leaking you are experiencing. You want to turn the tide? It’s not that complicated. There are two inexcusable things people will not tolerate for more than two weeks – guaranteed – and you can make that worldwide assuming we are referring to healthy attendees…
A. A healthy and safe nursery (you knew that already)
B. A kick’n message at least 80% of the time. There are more elements to this message then what I share today, but let me give you one point that is easy to put into play THIS WEEKEND…
Communicate from your heart AND your head, but if it comes down to it, more from your heart. The U.S. church has been “headed” to death, but we have eviscerated (look that up – it’s a powerful word that is somewhat gross – avoid that at all costs). We lack heart nearly completely. It is an exaggeration to state this, but not far off – we could nearly all take a break from information impartation for 6 months to a year… get together each weekend to share stories of how we have been “doing the do’s” Jesus called us to, rejoicing in one another’s growth, spur one another forward, pray for more of God’s visitation upon us as we go out for yet another week, then do it one more week.
Personally we were all at one point crazy in love with Jesus. We may have lacked training, information that has proved to be most helpful along the way. But with more information, are we really better for it – honestly? OR… have we lost humility… have we lost the dependence upon God’s Spirit we desperately need in order to be highly effective in his bidding?
… to bring you back to where you started, in the best sense of the word / idea. “Make me simple Lord…”
Some extremists will make that into “simplistic” – spell it right please.
Speak from your heart above all.
Challenge your people.
Call them to change.
They are begging to be called!
If you can’t do that, shorten your messages until you can give a full length (20-28 minutes) message that is filled to overflowing with the passion of Jesus himself. Without it, you are sunk.
If necessary, go back to a 10-minute message and build forward. You will bear MORE fruit in that 10 minutes of passion than an hour of lackluster-ness.