Living at Your Soul Speed

by | Sep 11, 2024 | Discipleship, Pastoral Burnout | 2 comments

A snail and a slug scoot down the sidewalk one morning on their way to work as usual. They converged faster than either one of them anticipated and boom, they crashed into one another. The police showed up and asked the snail what happened. All he could say was, “Gee officer, it’s kind of a blur. It all happened so fast!”


Speed: Marks of a Snail


Snails are known for their slow speed, yet they might be the most persevering of all animals in the world. They live life at their own pace, and we can learn something valuable from that.

Live at the speed of your soul. Keep in mind that your soul speed will be at least a little different from everyone around you. God has imprinted His life in you, and you are a one-of-a-kind expression of His life on earth. Your calling and mine are to walk out the unique life circumstances we’ve been handed, the unique gifts each of us has, and our response to that combination with the opportunities in life.


Live Like Jesus – At the Pace of the Father


Jesus said, “I do what I see my Father doing” (John 5), after the healing at the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. He moved at the Father’s pace, not rushing but aligning with God’s perfect timing.


Focus: The Efficiency of a Snail


Snails tend not to zig-zag much. If you carried your house with you, you’d likely move more efficiently than you do these days. We, too, can learn to focus on the path laid before us and avoid distractions that lead us astray.


Perseverance: Living with Patient Endurance


Paul wrote about “patient endurance.” That’s more than just patience. It’s a willingness to live a patient life over the long haul. God works in processes. I’m convinced that’s about all He does in our lives – He nudges us from place to place.

When you came to personal faith in Jesus as your Savior, you responded to a signal. It might have been outward, audible, or something you heard preached or read. At the end of numerous nudges, you responded by an act of your will. “Here I am” became your overall prayer.


Our Speed is Ordered by the Father


Think of a metronome inside your heart of hearts. It ticks at your unique speed of soul. That’s your unique, most efficient speed from now on. You are the only one in the world with that precise tempo. Your tempo, as special as God has set it, is one of our most valuable assets.


Persistence: God is Always Up to Something


God is up to something in every life on earth. That’s not just here and there – it’s at all times. There is an opportunity, though not necessarily a calling, to step into every life you run across today.

For me, most of the work was inner stuff that I had no awareness of until the coin dropped, so to speak.


Strength of the Snail: Persistence and Dedication


Persistence. Dedication. Commitment. I don’t mind committing strongly as long as what I’m committing to is going to pay off. Barriers are made to be overcome – just stay away from salt!


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