Getting A Coach Who Gets It: What Makes Coaching Missional?

by | Jul 4, 2011 | Church Leadership, Church Planting, Coaching, Communication / Preaching | 0 comments

To coach people effectively toward missional ministry, it’s not enough to be a good coach.  The coach also has to be a good missionary—to be able to think and act like a missionary.  So what does a missional coach need to do differently?

  • Stays up to speed on current missional practices, literature, and resources
  • Articulates clearly the basic principles of missional living
  • Connects relationally in a way that speaks to their credibility
  • Engages in outside-the-box thinking to help people create contextualized solutions
  • Avoids just copying strategies that other ministries have used
  • Focuses on creating a sustainable structure that will allow your ministry to grow and multiply
  • Spurs you on toward a vision for the reproducible nature of missional living

If you’re planting a church from a missional perspective, you want more than just a coach who can ask you good questions that help you unpack your thinking.  You also want more than just a coach with some experience coaching planters. The field of planting has changed so much that you need a coach who really understands the whole missional piece as well. You need a coach who really gets it.

After all, your goal isn’t just to get a church service started.  You want to help people live incarnationally with purpose.  You want to see them serving the least of these, living authentically as the hands and feet of Jesus.  You want to see small communities empowered to do great things for the Kingdom.  For that you don’t just need a coach—you need a missional coach.  Whether you’re interested in finding a missional coach or becoming one (or both), check out

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