Discipleship Beyond Sundays

by | Jun 17, 2024 | Church Growth, Church Health | 2 comments

As church leaders, we all share a common goal: fostering a vibrant community of disciples who are actively growing in their faith and impacting the world around them. But let’s face it, Sundays can often feel like a snapshot in time. How can we, as leaders, bridge the gap and empower our church family to take discipleship beyond those weekly services?

Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Cultivate a Culture of Daily Devotion:


We can’t expect a fire to stay lit without tending it. Sunday sermons can ignite inspiration, but daily devotionals are the fuel that keeps the flame alive. Let’s promote resources like daily devotionals, Bible reading plans, or podcasts by trusted teachers. Consider incorporating short devotional prompts into your church bulletin or social media to jumpstart the week.

2. Champion Small Groups:

Small groups are the heart of discipleship. They provide a safe space for connection, accountability, and shared growth. Encourage existing groups to thrive and create clear pathways for newcomers to find their fit. Invest in equipping small group leaders to foster open discussions and spiritual growth within their groups.

3. Integrate Service Opportunities:

Faith thrives in action. Help church members discover their passions and connect them with service opportunities within the church or community. Highlight volunteer needs regularly and celebrate the stories of those who are making a difference.

4. Leverage Technology for Connection:

Technology can be a powerful tool for staying connected and fostering discipleship. Utilize online platforms to share inspirational content, host virtual Bible studies, or create private forums for small group discussions.

5. Lead by Example:

Our own commitment to discipleship is contagious. Be open about your personal devotional practices, share testimonies of how your faith impacts your daily life, and actively participate in a small group.

Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination, and we’re all in this together. Let’s be open about our own struggles and celebrations, share what’s working for us in our faith lives, and actively participate in small groups alongside our church family. Who knows, maybe you’ll even inspire someone else to take their faith to the next level! Let’s make church a place where discipleship feels natural, not just something we discuss on Sundays.

Let’s go make a difference!

Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen

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