Buying Into Your Preferred Future

by | Sep 27, 2023 | Church Health, Church Planting, Church Revitalization | 0 comments

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, today, you are moving toward your future at a rapid pace. There’s just one question you face – Is this the future you most highly prize? If you are like most, an accurate answer is probably, “Some days it’s a yes; other days I’m far from it.”

What is standing in the way of you consistently living out your preferred future?


Here are some elements that come to me:




First, what precisely are you shooting for? The clearer you can nail this, the more likely you will be able to hit your target. Don’t be ADD about it. Focus on what is important – the singular big deal God has put on your heart to pursue.


Carry through.


Second, I’m talking about stick-to-itive-ness. Can you connect for the long haul? Most can buy into the game for the short run, but how about the duration? Don’t panic if this doesn’t reflect your current experience. Then again, don’t baby yourself. As much as anything, it’s a matter of willpower.




Finally, are you willing to buy in, come what may? Amazing results come to us as we join our willingness to the profound will of God. The very power of God is released as we say yes to greater things than we’ve done in the past.

Make your future a focus instead of a happenstance. You will be able to do work that matters. God will intervene

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