Your First Year of Church Planting Decoded

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Church Planting | 8 comments

That first year is one heck of a ride! Let’s break down what you can expect, from the highs that’ll make you feel like you’re walking on water to the lows that’ll have you googling “bi-vocational jobs” at 2 AM.


The Launch Pad: Getting Off the Ground


Milestone: The First Service

Remember that moment when you first shared your vision? Well, multiply that excitement by about a thousand, and you’ve got your launch day. It’s like spiritual skydiving – terrifying and thrilling all at once.


Challenge: Reality Check

Here’s the truth bomb: Your first service probably won’t look like Hillsong. And that’s okay! Maybe your worship leader hit a few bum notes, or the projector decided to take a sabbatical mid-sermon. Breathe. Jesus turned water into wine; He can turn your chaos into community.


Success Metric: Actual Humans Showed Up

Seriously, if people who aren’t related to you came to your service, that’s a win.

Bonus points if they come back!


The Growth Spurt: Building Your Core

Milestone: Forming Your First Small Groups

This is where the real church starts happening. It’s like watching your spiritual baby take its first steps.


Challenge: Herding Cats… Er, Volunteers

You’ll quickly realize that leading volunteers is an art form. It’s like trying to nail jello to a wall – frustrating, messy, but oddly satisfying when you get it right.


Success Metric: Consistent Engagement

Are people sticking around? Are they inviting friends? If yes, you’re onto something good!


The Money Talk: Funding Your Vision


Milestone: Your First Offering

The moment when people actually put money in that offering plate? It’s like God’s giving you a holy high-five.


Challenge: Making Ends Meet

Warning: You might become very familiar with the verse “And my God will meet all your needs” (Philippians 4:19). Cling to it when the budget looks as empty as the disciples’ nets before Jesus showed up.


Success Metric: Financial Stability

If you can pay your bills and still afford coffee (the lifeblood of church planters), you’re doing alright.


The Community Impact: Making a Dent in Your City


Milestone: Your First Outreach Event

When you see your church family serving the community together, it’s enough to make a grown church planter cry (no judgment here).


Challenge: Balancing Inreach and Outreach

You’ll feel pulled in a million directions. Should you focus on discipling your core or reaching the lost? Spoiler: It’s both. Welcome to the juggling act of ministry!


Success Metric: Community Recognition

When local businesses know your church name and the city officials don’t run when they see you coming, you’re becoming part of the fabric of your community.


The Personal Journey: Keeping Your Soul Alive


Milestone: Finding Your Rhythm

Somewhere in this crazy year, you’ll find a sustainable pace. It might involve a lot of coffee and prayer walks, but you’ll find it.


Challenge: Battling Burnout

There will be days when you want to trade your church planter hat for a nice, quiet job… like lion taming. Push through. Rest. Remember your calling.


Success Metric: You Still Love Jesus (and People)

If you can end this year still passionate about your calling and not completely cynical about humanity, that’s a massive win.


Wrapping It Up: The One-Year Mark


As you hit that one-year anniversary, take a moment. Look back. You’ve probably cried, laughed, prayed more than ever, and maybe questioned your sanity a few times. But you’re here. You’re still standing.

Remember, success in God’s kingdom often looks different than we expect. Maybe your church doesn’t look like what you envisioned a year ago. Maybe it’s smaller, or messier, or meets in a different place. But if lives are being changed, community is being built, and the Gospel is being shared, you’re winning.

So here’s to you, church planter. You’re doing one of the craziest, hardest, most beautiful things in the world. Keep going. The best is yet to come.

And hey, if all else fails, remember: Jesus started with just 12 guys, and look how that turned out!

Read more blog posts by Jeff Hoglen

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