Discipleship Blueprint: Guiding New Believers to Spiritual Maturity

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Church Planting, Discipleship | 12 comments

So, you’ve got some fresh faces in your congregation. That’s fantastic! But now comes the big question: How do you guide these new believers into spiritual maturity? What is our role in coaching and mentoring them to become fully committed followers of Christ? Let’s talk about crafting a discipleship strategy.


The Grace Principle


First things first: Breathe.

Really, take a moment. You don’t need to have everything figured out immediately. Remember, even the apostles took time to grow. Think about Peter – he went from denying Jesus to becoming a pillar of the early church. So extend some grace to yourself and your new believers.


Simplicity is Key


Now, let’s get practical.

Your discipleship approach doesn’t need to be complex. In fact, simpler is often better. Think of it like helping someone develop a fitness routine. You’re not aiming for Olympic athletes overnight. You’re helping people build sustainable spiritual habits.


The Five-Fold Framework


Here’s a straightforward framework to get you started:


1. Scripture Engagement

Help them develop a love for God’s word. Don’t start with the challenging books – begin with the gospels. Let them encounter Jesus directly through Scripture.


2. Prayer Practices

Teach them to converse with God naturally—no need for fancy language – just honest, open communication with their Heavenly Father.


3. Community Integration

Connect them with small groups promptly. We’re designed for relationship, both with God and each other.


4. Service Opportunities

Create ways for them to serve. Active participation in ministry can significantly boost faith growth.


5. Sharing Their Story

Encourage them to articulate their faith journey. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth and evangelism.


Tailoring the Approach


Here’s an important point: This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

Get to know your people. Some might be ready for deeper theological discussions, while others are just grasping the basics of faith. That’s perfectly okay. Meet them where they are in their spiritual journey.


The Long-Term Perspective


Remember, discipleship isn’t about creating perfect Christians overnight. It’s about walking alongside people as they grow in faith. It can be messy, beautiful, challenging, and incredibly rewarding.

Some days it might feel like you’re trying to herd cats. Other times, you’ll witness moments of profound understanding that make it all worthwhile.


Your Role as a Coach/ Mentor


So, what’s your plan? Here are some thoughts to consider:

  1. Start small.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Love generously.
  4. And watch how God works.


Here’s the truth: You’re not responsible for the transformation. You’re the guide, pointing people toward the actual transformer – Jesus.

Now go and make disciples! If you ever feel unsure, ask yourself: What would Jesus do in this situation?

Let’s nurture some world-changers, one conversation, Bible study, and one act of service at a time. You’ve got this!

Jeff Hoglen Book - Basics of the Faith   Outreach Book by Jeff Hoglen   church planting made practical

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