I’ve always been considered a fairly disciplined person. There are certain disciplines that have made me who I am today.
In especially busy or stressful times of life, however, I do not always feel as disciplined in each area of my life. I may excel in one area, but not in another.
The only solution I know to remedy a lack of discipline is to add discipline. I also know that if I repeat a discipline long enough, it becomes a habit – part of the DNA of my daily life. This process has worked for me before. With that in mind, I’m adding some discipline to my life. I’ve done this before, and it forms healthy habits I carry on throughout the year.
For the next 90 days, I’m attempting to improve in seven areas of discipline.
For the next 90 days, I plan to add these seven personal disciplines:
I am what I eat many times. When I over-eat or eat the wrong foods, I gain unnecessary weight and don’t feel as well as I should. My goal here is to average eating between 2,000 and 2,200 calories per day and to monitor the type of foods I eat.
I know prayer is a life source. I’ve seen the results of prayer. Prayer doesn’t always change things the way I’d want them to be, but prayer always changes me. It gives me strength, comfort, and confidence. Why don’t I pray more? My goal is to pray throughout my day, recognizing God is with me always.
I need to be regularly reading my Bible and supplementing it with Christian and leadership books. I can be legalistic about Bible reading, but the discipline I need is to read it for a relationship (with God), not just for education. Part of being discipled by others happens as I read other work. My goal here is to always be reading through a Bible book I’m not preaching about, journal about my Bible reading and to read at least one chapter of another book every day.
I’m introverted, so I process information many times by writing. I’m fairly disciplined with my blog, but I have some larger projects I should be working on. My goal here is to average one hour of extra writing time per weekday. I may do that in a couple of days per week, but want to maintain that as total hours each week to write.
I know this is a secret to my productivity. My goal here is to do cardio four days per week minimum and exercise with weights two days per week.
Throughout my life, I haven’t usually needed a ton of sleep, but that has changed as I have gotten older. My goal here is lights out by 10:15 and to take short power naps as needed – and not feel guilty about them.
Anyone who knows me well knows I have a hard time staying still long. I do take a “Sabbath” and believe everyone “rests” in their own way, but this is a discipline to have some time during the week when I do absolutely nothing. My goal here is to have a 2 to 3 hour time each week when I pause from all activities. (I can assure you this will be the hardest discipline to complete.)
I’m excited about living a more disciplined life. Do you want to join me? Click To Tweet
Would you commit to disciplining yourself in each of these areas over the next 90 days?
You can change the details of each discipline, you may need more calories or less, you may choose a different exercise, etc. (For example, the graphic I used is from when I did this several years ago. I no longer run as I did then. I’ll likely do this time on the elliptical or with fast walking.)
The key is to be disciplined in 7 critical areas of your life.
And don’t be legalistic about it, either. This is not meant to bring another burden to your life. It is meant to help you be relieved from some – eventually. If you mess up one day, just begin again the next.
Who is with me?
Which of these will be the hardest for you to do?