Working With Apprentices: A Guide to Effective Leadership Development

by | Feb 5, 2025 | Church Leadership, Discipleship, Pastoral Burnout, Small Church / Rural Church | 5 comments

For long-lasting change, we know we can’t go it alone. Learn how to multiply your effectiveness for the long haul by understanding the power of apprenticing! Doing an apprenticeship well can be the difference between success and failure.


Understanding Apprenticeship


1. Apprentices–Who are they?

Apprentices are the future leaders, they are a way to multiply our efforts and make serious inroads for the Kingdom.

2. What do they do?

We equip the saints to do works of service, apprentices lead along side us, and help lighten the load and extend our reach and effectiveness.

3. Where can I find good ones?

Great apprentices are not born; they are encouraged, invited, and empowered to lead by YOU! Many will think that they don’t have the right stuff to be leaders.

Pro Tip: Pray for leaders. Look for people who come early, stay late, are faithful, and are dependable.

Not necessarily the loudest one in the group, sometimes the best leaders are found among those who are introverts by nature, people who take time to ponder and solve problems, study, pray and have a secret life with God that is not always shown on the surface.

4. How do I “apprentice” someone?

  • Recruit, train, model, have them lead, monitor them
  • Process together how it went, give feedback, encourage
  • Give vision, big picture, model patience

5. How to Grow Great Apprentices

Don’t try to make the tree bear fruit. Don’t ever pressure for results, results will come. Just:

  • Water it
  • Plant it in good soil (give opportunities for success)
  • Prune occasionally
  • Keep the weeds pulled (accountability)
  • Water some more (prayer)
  • Give food (praise and encouragement)
  • Face it to the sun (make sure your leaders get credit and a chance to shine in the spotlight)

“Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger.” – Franklin P. Jones

Important: Notice 3 things they are doing right for every one item wrong.


6. Areas to rotate an apprentice through

  • Prayer for God to touch your community with His love through you
  • Have them lead a prayer with the group before going out to serve
  • Have them explain the project
  • Teach them how to coordinate five different outreaches
  • Teach how to scout an outreach site, put the cards together with the items, collect the names and emails of all volunteers, follow up afterward with an encouraging email, care for the volunteers
  • Empower the apprentice to keep an eye on the bigger picture, not to get caught up in serving the individuals, but serving the servers, how to make sure everyone is having a successful event, has enough supplies, hydration, working conditions, watchful for overload, cheerful smiles and thumbs up, and offering prayer when appropriate

7. Top Ten Things You Can Do With An Apprentice

  1. Meet for coffee, your treat!
  2. Go target shooting
  3. Scout out a couple of sites together, good corners, strip malls, neighborhoods
  4. Serve together, “serve on-the-spot”
  5. Have them experience at least five different types of serving*
  6. Regularly ask how they are doing, and pray for them regularly
  7. Teach them how to pray for people they encounter, and for their volunteers – short, sweet, and to the point
  8. Extend grace to them, have patience and forbearance
  9. Let them know how vital they are to what God is calling your church to do in this city
  10. Believe in them, and let them know you believe in them!

Final Thoughts

Why is it important to always be on the lookout for up-and-coming leaders?

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest for workers.

Keep on serving!


outreach in church planting   kindness by Steve Sjogren     Community of Kindness by Steve Sjogren


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